Complaint to France’s Data Protection Authority against Marine Le Pen’s electoral operations
During the French presidential campaign (which finished in June), I have set out to investigate how the campaigns of the main candidates responded to inquiries for access to their personal data by individuals who had “liked” their page on Facebook, registered on their mailing list, etc.
Since I never received a response from Marine Le Pen, I just filed a complaint with the CNIL, the French data protection authority.
Of course, this request should be read in conjunction with other requests, this time filed with the Swiss and Irish data protection authorities, concerning mostly ad targeting information on Facebook.
It is my hope that such data could help in understanding better election dynamics on Facebook, even at individual level.
Paul-Olivier Dehaye is co-founder of PersonalData.IO, a startup helping individuals regain control of their personal data, through innovative products built around the GDPR. PersonalData.IO also offers compliance solutions, business innovation and consulting services to companies, as well as expert advice to educators, regulators and journalists.