Paul-Olivier DehayeDigging deeper into SwissCovid dataRecently, I have gained access to data underlying one of the scientific papers claiming effectiveness of the SwissCovid contact tracing…Jan 19, 20223Jan 19, 20223
Paul-Olivier DehayeinGeek CultureVenue-based Tracing: Some Insights From New ZealandEurope has been stuck with a digital approach to contact tracing tied to Bluetooth. New Zealand has been using both Bluetooth and QR-codes…Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
Paul-Olivier DehayeLies, damn lies, and SwissCovidIn this short article, we review a preprint which claims essentially that the digital contact tracing app SwissCovid works. That preprint…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
Paul-Olivier DehayeConflict of interest disclosureThis is meant as a disclosure of a situation that might be confusing or carry a conflict of interest. Starting Tuesday October 20th 2020…Oct 20, 2020Oct 20, 2020
Paul-Olivier DehayeTrust in digital spaceDigital technologies have vastly enhanced our capacities to interact with the world and each other. However these technologies also have…Oct 12, 2020Oct 12, 2020
Paul-Olivier DehayeZeynep Tufekci’s next pieceZeynep Tufekci just wrote a fantastic piece for The Atlantic on a statistical variable of high relevance to the COVID pandemic.Sep 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020
Paul-Olivier DehayeinPersonalData.IOSwissCovid élargit son filetLe 6 juillet, l’application SwissCovid a été reconfigurée. Dans ce bref article, j’explique ce changement, ses conséquences, et spécule…Jul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020
Paul-Olivier DehayeinPersonalData.IOInferring distance from Bluetooth signal strength: a deep diveContact tracing apps intend to predict exposure to a COVID-19 infection, where exposure is computed as some function of time and distance…May 19, 20203May 19, 20203
Paul-Olivier DehayeEpidemiology Fast ForwardHave you been convinced in the past few days that digital contact tracing was just manual contact tracing? Think again, it’s not!May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Paul-Olivier DehayeinPersonalData.IOAddiction and technology: understanding the linksHow is digital addiction enabled by surveillance capitalism? What is addiction? Maurizio Arseni, of OffGridMe.Life and MyData Geneva…Oct 16, 2019Oct 16, 2019